Take action in solidarity with Egyptian political prisoners on June 20-21

actions_mayjune2015Egyptian activists are calling for two days of solidarity action outside Egypt on June 20-21 to highlight repression and mobilise support for the campaigns to free political prisoners. Read the call for action here. In the run-up to June 20-21, we are asking Egypt Solidarity supporters to help us spread the word about what is happening by taking the four steps below. If you can help organise a protest, meeting or social media event please get in touch via campaign@egyptsolidarityinitiative.net. If you are in the UK, download a leaflet here to use in your workplace or university.

Activists in Egypt who are defying the dictatorship need your support
Here’s some simple things you can do to help…

Stop the executions – overturn the death sentences

Over 100 more opponents of the military regime were condemned to death this weekend, including former president Mohamed Morsi, and Emad Shahin, Professor of Public Policy at the American University in Cairo. Six men were also executed on charges of attacking soldiers, although at least two of them were already in jail at the time the crime was committed. There is widespread revulsion over the sentences. Egypt Solidarity’s statement against the death sentences has already attracted high-profile signatures including Stathis Kouvelakis, John McDonnell MP, UCU President Liz Lawrence, BFAWU National President Ian Hodson. Ask academics, trade unionists, journalists, MPs and activists to sign. https://egyptsolidarityinitiative.org/deathsentences/

#FreeMahienour: sign up for our social media action before 30 May

Leading Revolutionary Socialist activists Mahienour el-Masry and Yousef Shaaban are in jail awaiting the verdict in their appeal against a two-year jail sentence. The verdict will be announced on 31 May. Please sign up for the ‘Thunderclap’ we have set up to boost the campaign’s profile on social media: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/26720-freemahienour

Addresses for protest emails here: https://egyptsolidarityinitiative.org/mahienour/

Get involved on 20-21 June with the international campaign in solidarity with Egyptian political prisoners

Read the statement which Egypt Solidarity is publishing on behalf of Egyptian activists and relatives of political prisoners who are calling for international solidarity actions on 20-21 June here: https://egyptsolidarityinitiative.org/prisonersolidarity/

Can you organise a meeting or protest? Or spread the word by leafleting a demonstration? Please get in touch via campaign@egyptsolidarityinitiative.net

In the UK Egypt Solidarity will be leafleting the People’s Assembly demonstration on 20 June – look out for more details on the website.

Send a postcard for Sondos and Shaimaa: stop arms sales to Egypt

Use our online postcard to call on Tory Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond to stop British arms sales to Egypt. Read more here: https://egyptsolidarityinitiative.org/2015/05/21/postcard-campaign-against-arm-sales-kicks-off-at-pcs-union-conference/