Trade unionists’ statement: Solidarity with EIPR: stop the crackdown in Egypt

Read more background on this campaign here:

We note with alarm the arrest and detention of several members of staff working for the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, an internationally-renowned human rights NGO by the Egyptian security forces since 15 November. The seizure of Mohamed Bashir, EIPR’s administrative director, Karim Ennarah, head of the criminal justice unit, and Gasser Abdel Razek, EIPR’s executive director is the latest deeply disturbing manifestation of the Egyptian government’s war on human rights and civil society organisations, trade union activists, independent media and political opponents of the current military regime. Their detention follows that of EIPR researcher Patrick Zaki, a graduate student at Bologna University who was arrested in February 2020. We are appalled to hear that Karim Ennarah has been added to a case involving spurious ‘terrorism’ charges opened by State Security prosecutors in August 2020 which also targets detained lawyer Mahienour el-Masry, journalist Solafa Magdy and other political prisoners. 

We call on the Egyptian authorities to immediately release the EIPR detainees, Mahiehour el-Masry, Solafa Magdy and all other political prisoners. We demand that the British government condemns the ongoing repression in Egypt and ceases all forms of military and diplomatic cooperation with a regime which systematically violates human rights and political freedoms. 

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Initial signatories include: 

Vicky Blake, President, University and College Union (UCU)

Jane Loftus, National Vice-President, Communication Workers Union (CWU)

Carlo Morelli, UCU Scotland President

Sandy Nicoll, Unison branch secretary, SOAS

Feyzi Ismail, UCU executive member, SOAS

Michael Reinsborough, UCU executive member, SOAS

Maria La Falce, UCU executive member, SOAS

Marion Hersh, UCU National Executive member and University of Glasgow

Lesley Kane, UCU National Executive member

Deepa Driver, UCU National Executive member

Lesley McGorrigan, UCU National Executive member

U. Monad ret. Executive  Committee Officer for People with Disabilities Unison

Cecily Blyther NEC FE Rep for Casualised Members UCU

Elane Heffernan, NEC, UCU

Umit Yildiz UCU black Members Standing Committee (pc)

Karen Reismann, NEC (pc) UNISON

Polly Smith, NEC (pc), UNISON

Helen Davies, NEC, UNISON

Saira Weiner Branch Secretary LJMU UCU, NEC UCU

Elizabeth Lawrence, Secretary UCU Yorkshire and Humberside Retired Members’ Branch

Manjeet Ramgotra    SOAS-UCU Equality and Diversity Rep

Kyran Joughin, Branch secretary, UCU

Rasha Rezk, Executive member, Cambridge UCU

Bee Hughes, Chair, Liverpool John Moores University UCU

Marian Mayer, Co-chair Bournemouth University UCU Chair South Region Committee UCU 

Carolyn Egan, President United Steelworkers Toronto Area Council

Bob Burns                     Unison executive member, SOAS UNISON

  Marion O’Malley         Workplace rep                NEU

Bee Hughes                  Chair                                  LJMU UCU

Sunil Banga                  Lancaster UCU President Lancaster UCU

Lynne Chamberlain    Secretary Greenwich and Bexley TUC

Sean Wallis                  branch president, UCL UCU

Mark Abel                     Chair, UCU, University of Brighton

Bob Burns                     Unison executive member, SOAS UNISON

Roddy Slorach             Branch organiser, Imperial College London, UCU

Miriam Scharf             international solidarity officer Newham district NEU

Andy Reid                     Organiser London ARMS, PCS

Pam Johnson               steward                             Ontario Public Service Employees Union

Joe Lynch                      Branch secretary            Unison

Emma Davis                 Barking and Dagenham NEU  VP

Philip  Inglesant          Committee member      UCU Oxford

Claire Wormald           Branch secretary            UNISON

Julian Goodare            UCU caseworker, University of Edinburgh University and College Union

Mark Sage                    International Officer     UNISON Portsmouth City Branch

Martin Thurlow           Branch Chair                    Unison

Peta                               Bulmer                              UCU Campaigns Officer, University of Liverpool                                       UCU

Catriona Drew             Member                            UCU

Bernadette Driscoll    Workplace rep                UCU

Iman Ibn Tahaikt        Committee member      NEU

Ken Muller                   Branch Press Officer      NEU

Mike Orr                                                                  UCU

Colin Purkey                 Member                            UCU

Richard Bradbury        Open University UCU Vice-President (pc)                                       UCU

Clement Mouhot                                                   Cambridge UCU

John Baker                                                              UCU (retired)

Gerard McCabe          Member retired              Unison

Juliana Ojinnaka          Equalities                          UCU

Jonathan Darlington                                             UCU

Bronwen Evans           Rep                                    NEU

Anna Gluckstein          Rep at school                  NEU

Krystell Lopez              Workplace rep                NEU

Ghebi Ghile                  Rep                                    Unison

Mohamed Fawzy                                                  

Angela Rae                   Member                            UCU

Alan Munton                Member                            UCU

Brian Wood                 Retired Member             UCU, Strathclyde University branch.

Andrew O’Bannon                                                 UCU

Ines Mendes                member                            UCU

Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan                                 Member UCU

Helen Pearson                                                        UCU

Carolyn LYLE                member                            UCU

Min Wild                       Member                            UCU

Martin Pennington                                                UCU

Prof Sally Munt           member                            UCU

Pamela Abbott            Member                            UCU

Alan Bevington            Member                            UCU

David Cobham             academic TU member of University Court UCU

Cath Lewis                                                              Unison

Steve Squibbs              Workplace Rep               UNISON

Elif Ceylan Ozsoy        member                            UCU

Lee McFarlane             Member                            UCU

Susan Blackwell          member                            FNV (Netherlands)

Camilla Royle                                                         KCL UCU

George Gray                                                           Unite

David                   Thomas            Member                                                       UCU

Aisling                  O’Beirn                                                                                   UCU

Peter                    Hill                     Rep. and Trades Council rep                   UCU Northumbria University

Goretti                 Horgan                                                                                   UCU

Nat                       Queen              Member                                                       UCU

Shola                    Ogunlade         Member                                                       Unison

Morag                 Gillie                                                                                       Unison

Nicola                  Pratt                 member                                                       University of Warwick UCU

Jayanthi               Lingham           Member                                                       UCU

Patricia                Bartley             member                                                       UCU

Paul                      Hunt                  Shop steward                                             UNISON

Martin                 Chick                 Member                                                       UCU

Julia                      Roberts            National Executive Member                   UCU

Oliver                   Kearns              Member                                                       UCU

Ruth                     Brown              UEL Branch Anti-Casualisation Officer UCU

Anne-Marie        Sapalska           Member                                                       UCU

Simon                  Welsh               Member                                                       UCU

Peter                    McLoughlin     Member                                                       UCU

Diana                   Leach                NEC                                                               Unison

Vera                     Kubenz                                                                                   UCU

Names will be published online and sent to the Egyptian Embassy in the UK. If you leave your details we will contact you with updates about this campaign and other similiar campaigns organised by Egypt Solidarity Initiative and MENA Solidarity Network.Please note, names do not appear automatically and there will be a delay between submitting names and publication.

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